WooCommerce 2 Compatibility

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We are closer to releasing all of our WooCommerce extensions that will be compatible with WooCommerce 2.0.

Please be aware that once you update to WooCommerce 2.0 there is no going back.

Before you update to WooCommerce 2.0

Before you update your live website to WooCommerce 2.0, please use a test environment for all your testing.

You can use the test environment as a sandbox to simulate the update and make sure your website will continue to work after you update it to WooCommerce 2.0.

You will need to check to see if your Theme is Compatible with WooCommerce 2.0. Pages may break, widgets may not be visible. Your store may look completely different.Your products may have variations missing and categories may not work.

We know you all are eager to start using this new version, but this is a big update, so please take your time and make sure that you prepare your website properly. Also be sure to check out our WooCommerce 2.0 Update Process.
[box type = “info”]IMPORTANT: Once you run the updater wizard to convert your data to WooCommerce 2.0, there is no undo. The data will be changed in such a way that there is no way back. The only way you can get the ‘old’ data back is by restoring a backup. This stresses the importance of having a backup strategy and testing everything on a test environment before touching your live website. It is not that we don’t want to restore the data, it is because we can’t.[/box]
So please, take a back up all your files first.