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WooCommerce Extensions Update
WooCommerce Extensions Update
We are now happy to announce that our Australia Post Extension now has the new Framework integrated into the extension.
As the original Developers of this extension we have put our team to work, and we have found a more advanced technique to shipping and have integrated the framework into our existing product.
This will allow business owners to further customise there shipping requirements.
Some of the new features included:
- -The Framework provides comprehensive descriptions for the Shipping Methods provided by the API, you can now re-name these shipping methods to suit the style of your store
- -Framework now provides more comprehensive descriptions on the settings fields
- -We now have the ability to easily adjust field orders, the order will be set in each extension
- -Multiple sized (configuration) packing boxes are now available
- -User now can rename a shipping method
- -Packing has been redone, now featured with multiple box packing, with optional weight limit and unit limit for each box
- -Better admin notices with included links back to the source of the feature
- -Program failures and setup issues are now logged to a file
- -More verbose de-bug information provided when testing this product. (written in a language everyone can understand)
- -We have added envelopes for letter mail
- -You can now choose shipping methods for packages and shipping methods for envelopes
- -You can create different size envelopes for smaller items to be shipped
You can find this extension here: WooCommerce Australia Post Shipping Extension.
Just set up a new test server installed it and away l went, too easy. Click on image to see full size version.