Changes to our WooCommerce extensions

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We have some really exciting news that we wanted to share with you. Over the last few months we’ve been working on the next big release of our famous WooCommerce shipping plugins. But before I jump into what we’ve been doing I need your undivided attention as this will impact your site.

You’ll need to take note of some specific details that you are currently using inside of your Extension Works shipping plugin.

What you need to do today
To ensure that things go smoothly, we recommend that you take a backup of your site. This should be part of your retinue of keeping your site up-to-date and running well. The guys at WordPress have written a fairly extensive article on how to make a backup of your site.

Next, you should take note of all your WooCommerce shipping plugin settings as you may lose some of the details you currently have, such as, custom box information, L x W x H dimensions and maximum weight.

If you need any assistance with the update please contact us via our help desk

What you need to do when you upgrade
Once you have successfully upgraded to the latest version you will now need to check your settings inside of the settings panel.

If the settings haven’t been transferred across, you’ll just need to rekey them. We’d suggest that you take some time and check these from the notes you’ve already taken down and really evaluate the custom boxes and shipping services you are using and offering to your customers. This will help you prepare for the Christmas rush that we all are expecting to see.

Now to the exciting stuff!

What have we changed?
Overhauling the user interface
A new user interface (UI) provides an easier to understand data entry section for our box packaging system.

This allows you to get your boxes created more quickly and easily and will reduce setup time, without having to mess around.

Create boxes easier
We’ve included updates for the creation of boxes to provide you with further options for customisation to meet your customer needs.

For custom boxes (containers) you now have the ability to add outer dimensions, inner dimensions and a box weight. This finite change will ensure you have greater control over the boxes you create which means more accurate shipping prices for you and your customers.

You’ll be able to choose to ship based on volume or weight only.

More information can be found here: