WooCommerce Fastway NZ Shipping Extension

$39.00 / year and a $40.00 Initial Cost

We have been advised by Fastway that the Fastway Fastlabel API, will be retired in early 2021, this plugin uses this API and therefore this plugin will cease to work when Fastway disable the API.

We have just finished building the Fastway/Aramex MyFastway shipping plugin (MyFastway is a totally different API) and we are advising customers to purchase this plugin instead. The plugin can be found here:


You can offer Fastway shipping rates from your website using our WooCommerce Fastway NZ Extension, this will provide real time shipping rates via the Fastway API.
Maximum parcel weight 25kg per parcel.

What makes our plugin standout from it’s competitor’s

Our WooCommerce Fastway NZ shipping plugin includes a box packing feature, which allows you to send multiple boxes in one shipment, other plugins do not have a box packing feature and you can only send one parcel in one shipment.

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SKU: woo-fastwaynz Categories: , Tag:

[iconbox icon=”icon-info2″ iconsize=”48px” color=”#ffffff” background=”#000000″ hcolor=”#ffffff”]



To use this extension you will need to have a Fastway Account ( You will need to request a Fastway NZ API key ) all rates provided from the API are for the Fastway Prepaid labels only. This does not include the Flat Rate pricing.
At Fastway, we provide a low cost, reliable, local, shorthaul and national courier distribution service across key regional and metropolitan locations across New Zealand; from Northland to Southland and most places in between.
Maximum parcel (cubic) weight is 25kg per parcel.


To use the Fastway Shipping Extension you need to select your Franchise Company in the admin area.
The plugin offers three Services that Fastway provide and you will need to set up your plugin with the correct account type.
Choose user type: Frequent / Normal / *Others
*Others enables you to apply your own shipping rate to a label.



You will need to select your franchise to see the rates.

New Feature

Allow certain WooCommerce products to offer Fastway NZ shipping rates only.
You can assign which shipping company will ship certain products.
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*Only compatible with Extension Works shipping plugins.


  • This plugin offers a number of shipping methods for Domestic shipping.
  • You can choose specific shipping Services’s to display at the checkout.
  • You can create Custom boxes to suit the size of your products.
  • Using your custom box, you can define the number of items you would like to pack into the custom box by setting up a maximum weight.
  • You can add a handling fee.
  • Set a fallback rate, if the Fastway API ever goes down, your customers will always be presented with a price.
  • You can re-name the shipping service title’s to suit your Website.
  • The product dimensions and weight will be used to pack your items into your Custom Boxes or the pre-defined boxes, once a box has reached it’s full capacity (using the dimensions and weight of your
    products), another box will be added. A Box Packaging Algorithm.
  • You can set up as many Customised Boxes as you need to. There is no limit.
  • You can ship with Weight Only- Regular sized items are grouped and quoted by weight only: Product dimensions are still taken into consideration. Not recommended if your products have irregular dimensions or have very large dimensions where dimensional weight will be used to determine the shipping price.
  • We have added a new feature to our WooCommerce shipping extensions, called ‘Order Limit’.We have allowed you to set up a dollar ( ORDER ) amount in the admin area of our extension. When the dollar ( ORDER ) amount is reached in the cart, the ‘Free Shipping’ feature will be available for your customers.

Extensions tested on a Single Site Installation, multisite installations not recommended.

[iconbox icon=”icon-info2″ iconsize=”48px” color=”#ffffff” background=”#000000″ hcolor=”#ffffff”]Requires WooCommerce 2.0 or above. Compatible up to WooCommerce Version 7.1.X
Requires at least WordPress: 3.5, Tested up to WordPress 6.1.X, Compatible up to PHP 7.4.30[/iconbox]


The box packer is volume based. This will in most cases provide good results, but will never be as accurate as a real person packing a box (see BIN Packing Problem) therefore it is important you understand that packing results are as accurate as they can be and any anomalies should be accepted.)


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